Training Topics

  • Active and Reflective Listening

    ACES Adverse Childhood Experiences

    Beyond the Birds and Bees: how to talk to youth sex

    Biculturalism for Latin X Children

    Brain Development for Youth

    Building Self-Worth in African American Youth

    Building Self Worth in Clients

    Communicating with Respect: Exploring De-escalation and conflict resolution techniques.

    Core principles of Trauma Informed care

    Culture 101

    Dealing with Stress

    Establishing boundaries

    The five love languages and how to Use them in the workspace

    Healthy relationships


    Practicing gratitude


    Strategies to address trauma

    The impact of trauma

    Understanding feeling

    Who moved my cheese : Adapting to change

    Why Colorblindness Doesn’t Work

  • 5 Protective Factors to keep families strong

    Active and reflective Listening

    Activate your superpower: strength-based approach to parenting.

    ACES Adverse Childhood Experiences

    Ages and stages of development

    Alternatives to Spanking

    Beyond the Birds and Bees

    Biculturalism for Latin X Children

    Brain development

    Building Self Worth

    Communicating with Respect

    Coping with Difficult Behaviors

    Core principles of Trauma Informed care

    Culture 101

    Dealing with Stress


    Discipline with Dignity

    Drugs and Alcohol

    Eating Disorders

    Establishing Boundaries

    Family Morals and Values

    Five Love Languages of Children

    Generating Signals of Safety

    Grief and Loss

    Healthy Relationships

    Let yo haters be your motivators: building resiliency in children


    Philosophy and Practices of Nurturing Parenting

    Practicing Gratitude

    Praising Children and their Behavior


    Special needs

    Strategies to address trauma

    Transracial Haircare

    The Impact of trauma

    Understanding Feeling

    Who moved my cheese?: Adapting to change

    Why Color blindness Doesn’t work

  • Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a child in foster care? Or a foster parent? Or how can a mom lose her child to foster care? Life in Limbo is an interactive program created by Fostering Great Ideas. It gives participants an immersive experience of what it is like for families to be involved in the foster care system. Participants step into the shoes of birth parents, foster parents, and displaced children – and learn what it feels like to live their lives.

    Life in Limbo is great for Foster parents to receive training credit, Recruitment initiative for new foster parents, Professional Development for people who work with families involved in the foster care system, or Community members and organizations who want to volunteer and support families involved in the foster care system.